Implement Plan

After you have an effective and efficient assessment plan, the next step is creating assessment strategies to implement the plan. Implementation is a vital part of the assessment cycle and requires thoughtful consideration on when, where and how data is collected.


Create an Assessment Implementation Timeline or Data Collection Plan

This timeline will act as a data gathering schedule for the team. It helps to coordinate activities and maintain consistency over time.

Here are some things you need to consider when crafting your timeline:


Try to avoid assessment activities at your peak time. Plan when to collect or evaluate data.

Human Resources

Consider special university days, holidays, events, etc. and how it will impact resources.


Consider the schedules of your stakeholders in order to maximize their engagment.

Assessment Measures

Determine what activities are needed for Assessment Measures

  • Research measures and tools
  • Create or review measurement tools
  • Consider sampling size needed for validity and reliability
  • Consider cost and time of the activity and administering the assessment
  • Determine what tool will be used to store the data
  • Determine when staff perceptions will be collected about the process and procedures.

Roles and Responsibilities

Designate Assessment Roles and Responsibilities. Determine who will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Ensuring the assessment is prepared for the activity
  • Administering the assessment
  • Collecting and storing the data
  • Reporting to stakeholders
  • Writing memos for each activity and measure.
  • Adjustments based on mid-semester corrections
  • Determine how frequently you will analyze the data (after each event, once a semester, at the end of the year, etc.).
  • Analyze data and what software is needed to analyze data
  • Share results with stakeholders for feedback


Data Collection Timeline/Plan

  • Plan Data Talks with team and other stakeholders
  • Organize data talks by discussion topics

Collect Data

  • Perform the activity needed to collect the data
  • Store the data properly to ensure reliability and validity